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Party Games

We've all been there. Show up late to a party with lots of strangers and nothing to do. Hear me out, just put down the phones and pass out some cards and nobody gets hurt! These games are sure to break the ice and get people talking. But BEWARE!!!


!!! Party games are highly

    group dependent !!!


This means you may have to try a couple different ones to find what your friends/strangers enjoy most.
The games that work best for me with groups that constantly have new/familiar faces involve room to improvise, or replay the same cards with new contexts.
My top pick Monikers has players going from guessing randomly at nonsense to creating inside jokes that are custom tuned to each individual player.
All in the span of 3 quick rounds!
The more iffy games include one-line wonders like Joking Hazard, whose magic seems to fade with each passing play.
With that in mind, here's a list of my most to least favorite party games .
1. Monikers

If you want to be rewarded for actually being witty, or make lasting inside jokes, or laugh at your friend’s genius instincts, or give someone an Oscar for "best use of arm based pantomiming in a supporting role", or just want the best game in this entire category.




2. red flags

If you like learning what is/isn’t a deal breaker for your friends and what “lesser evil” truly means

3. the metagame

If you smart, you loyal, you enjoy including others and not perpetuating negative stereotypes

4. cards against humanity

If you like offending people, or buying endless expansions

5. million dollars, but...

If you like wasting your money playing a less fun version of Red Flags

6. joking hazard

If you like comic strips, or drawing the perfect card, or repeatedly saying “do you get it?”

7. what do you meme

If you like outdated references or constantly making updated cards with the most dank, lit, swag fam dabs.

8. superfight

If you like making up endless house rules and buying expansions in the hopes it gets better (spoiler, it doesn't)

Looks like things can only go up from here!

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