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Deck Building

Deck Building games are about progression.

You start the game with the same set of cards as everyone else.

Every turn you will be adding new cards to increase your pool of cards to draw from.

This makes you better/worse at different things than your friends (put that on your resume).

It's all about combining cards to make the best chain reaction possible.

In each of these games you will race to the city of gold blocking opponents along the way, buy cards from a sliding market to be the first to build 7 shops, or become an eloquent author penning novels full of horror, adventure and romance.

(2-4 Players)

For people who want a game

with high replay value.

Or people who like blocking off the best routes.

Or people who think the journey is half the fun!

(2-4 Players)

For people who like cute animals.

Or people who like being able to choose how mean their games are.

Or people who want a great 2 player game.

(1-2 Players)

For people who enjoy Scrabble.

Or people who love spelling out how good they are at spelling.

Or people who want to play wordle IRL.

Looks like things can only go up from here!

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